Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sea Anemones Strike!

I originally had a blog post from my first night in China, but honestly, so much exciting stuff has happened that the first post would be a bore. So. In chronological order:

1) I got my hotel room and was really happy to see it had a fantastic view of Shanghai, including a green roof and a church right outside my window. The room itself was pretty spectacular and huge. Rather than describe it, I'm attaching pictures.  The best part was the gads and gads of CCTV channels. Usually two or three Olympic sports would be playing at once, but China usually failed to show the events where China did not at least get a bronze medal.

2) How freaking awesome is it to be living and working in the same city with Claire again? She spent some time in Shanghai doing an internship before the other interns arrived, so she was able to show me the cool places in town, including Dipont's (my company's) head office.  Claire is in Wuxi with me (I just got to Wuxi this afternoon), and even though we work at different schools, it will be nice to see a familiar face sometimes. I think the interns are planning to stay in touch and travel to see each other's cities. I know that I really want to go to Hangzhou and Nanjing, since both cities are very close.

3) We had two days of down time, so Liz very kindly showed us around the famous parts of Shanghai. We went to Din Tai Feng after taking the ferry across the river. The day was SUPER hot and I neglected to bring sunscreen, so I got back to my hotel that night and found a nice light burn on my shoulders which thankfully went away within a day or two.

Trotter is our only male intern, so we tease him a lot. He's quite hilarious and often has something silly or snarky to say.

Above: from left to right: Trotter, Cynthia, Liz, Claire, Lindsay (All Dipont interns)

4) Training started yesterday (geez only yesterday?!) at 9:30 at Dipont headquarters in Shanghai. Located on the 43rd floor of an office building in the middle of expensive-ville, we had a great view out the windows (hence the picture below). Our training was supposed to last until Wednesday afternoon, but Typhoon Sea Anemone decided to move toward the east coast of China. The government plans to shut down the train system for Wednesday and Thursday for safety purposes, so this afternoon we all had to scramble to pack and check out. The upshot is, I'm in Wuxi a day early. I traveled with Lizzy, one of the college counselors at my school, and met Phoebe at the train station. At the hotel, Phoebe's friend (and another college counselor) Sarah met us, then all three of us went out for food, a tour of the town, and some rather silly conversation. Sarah and Phoebe are also recent college graduates and are both my age, so I'm looking forward to spending more time with the two of them. 

Time to go wind down at the end of my rather crazy day. Hopefully I'll have some pictures of Wuxi, my school (holy hell that campus is BEAUTIFUL), and eventually my apartment. Tomorrow we're supposed to have torrential rain, which is going to make apartment-hunting quite interesting. In the meantime, enjoy the photos!

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